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Speak to our team of baby gear specialists, Monday through Friday from 9 am EST to 5 pm EST, at 1-844-BE-PEPPY.
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Send us a private message on Facebook for lightening-fast response. Our chatty social media mavens are ready to help.

Where We’re Located
When you call, email or Facebook Message our team, you are speaking with one of our experts at our home-base in Ohio. Our team is small and passionate about what we do. We are available at a moment’s notice during business hours and just an email away at any time of day.
Our company currently operates a boutique at our administrative offices in Ohio.

What To Look For In A Crib
Stained wood or painted, modern or traditional, there are a wide variety of crib looks and styles for you to choose from. The most important decision of all – a safe crib. Here’s what to look for to find your perfect crib fit.